• Bingo Rules

    As all or the biggest part of online amusements created in the virtual type represent only a poor copy of the initial amusement, there is a new period in Bingo game history with the introduction of its online variation. Read More +

Bingo Chat Rooms Rules

While in the ground gambling halls the gamblers are forbidden to talk as it troubles the concentration of other players, web Bingo game charms lots of gamblers with its Bingo Chat Rooms. The chat box is most of the time open by the main game window or as a part of it. In the chat window the gamblers see all the new replies and talk about anything they desire. In addition, the gamers might sent personal mails to those gamblers they talked with and therefore meet friends on the Internet. Some gamers return to Bingo gambling rooms to chat first and only then to play. So, the web Bingo game halls are the most popular sites cause these halls offer more than just the game and talk.

Web Bingo chats might be about any topic possible so players may select the Bingo game chat depending on their mood, preferences. The talks on Bingo Chat Rooms most of the time are made so called “alphabetical soup”. To cut down time and space while typing the most frequently repeated words are substituted by abbreviations and emoticons that create the special atmosphere while playing. Regardless of the level of experience, the Bingo game especially the online variation will be one of the simplest games for every gambler. Here we offer the most popularly typed abbreviations to demonstrate an example of the Bingo Chat Rooms talk.

10x Thank
2U2 To you too
? Please explain
?4U Question for you
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
ASAP As soon as possibl
ASL Age, sex, location?
B4N  BFN Bye for now
BC Be cool
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
CU See you
EAK Eating at keyboard
F Female
F2F Face to face
FYI For your information
G2G Gotta go
GG Good game
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
H&K Hugs and Kisses
IC I see
IMHO In my humble opinion
IS I'm sorry
J/K Just kidding
LMK Let me know
LOL Laugh out loud
M Male
N n
OMG Oh my gosh
PLZ Please
PPL People
TY hank you
U2 You too
UR Your
W8 Wait
W8AM Wait a minute
WTG Way to go!
Y Why?
YW You're welcome